Thursday, October 30, 2008

Better than TV

Today's project was to enlarge the "circle" under my infamous tree in the front yard -- that everyone admires, but nobody knows what it is.

With a lot of bending and crawling and shoveling I laid down a layer of newspaper, a layer of wood chips and a layer of compose. It's called lasagna gardening. We'll see.

The blue jays thought I did it just for them! After all that work I could hardly move. I took a shower and then brought out my camera, blankets and my La Fuma recliner. I felt like I was in my own personal park.

The last rays of evening sunlight warmed me and lit up the orange-red barberry shrubs while the chickadees flitted in the branches and supped from the bird bath.

Here are two Black-capped Chickadees and an Oregon Dark-eyed Junco:. (this is the better than TV part)


Ron Bloomquist said...

Well done!

The fall colors are wonderful!


Anonymous said...

Ok ... so here's my guess. I'm wondering if the mystery tree is a type of elm. The foliage looks very much like an Ulmus sempervirens 'Seiju' that I have at my nursery and have seen in a friend's garden. Can't see the foliage very well in this shot, but the texture of the foliage is somewhat similar. Perhaps you could post a close-up photo of the foliage if you have one. Just a thought ... maybe it will help narrow the field of possibilities.