Friday, August 01, 2008

New Heat Pump

June 27 ~ This is not pictorially interesting, but (hopefully) will significantly lower my carbon footprint. Again, my energy audit started the ball rolling when it was suggested I get my old heater cleaned. That's when I learned it was nearing the end of its life expectancy.

After several sleepless nights worrying about it, I paid a LOT of money to replace my existing gas heater and air conditioner with a heat pump. I followed the EERE guidelines and interviewed three companies -- something I was reluctant to do, but was very grateful for. You learn a lot just by hearing the sales pitch from different angles.

Area Heating got the job. It was a happy choice. Look at all the cars (and sunny skies) on the day of installation. Temps were in the mid-90's over the weekend.

The new pump is QUIET. I can barely tell it's come on. Here are some views of the final job.

Did I mention I had to prune the cypress to make room for the new equipment? (note the mold on the old paint from the too close tree)

Like I said, these aren't going to win any photo contests. Here's my new Trane XL16i.

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