For starters, there was a power outage the night Obama made his courageous speech. My stereo receiver whistled as the power flicked on and off. The next day -- nada! A trip to Sound Well in Berkeley was inconclusive. Would cost nearly as much as the purchase price to repair it - maybe.
I haven't been able to sell the things I didn't want to take up to Washington (couch, coffee table, desk, bookcases, mirror, etc.) So the mirror will be crated (for $200+) and the desk....

I've gotten 4 nibbles on Craig's List but no takers. If Goodwill or The Arc won't pick it up, I'll have to pay some $100 just to cart it away. It's a beautiful desk, but it literally won't fit in my new home.
To secure parking for the moving van, one gets an "obstruction permit" -- not from Parking and Transportation, as one might expect -- but from the police department. The application form is very poorly written. To make a long story short, I paid the wrong amount (with a cashier's check no less) So that has to be done over again.
I'm out of packing materials. I keep finding stuff I had tucked away. (arghhh!) So yet another trip to the dump is in order.
And the more I pack the more I discover yet to pack -- no matter how fast I fill up Goodwill bags. Only 5 packing days left (a doctor's appointment and visits to friends will take up the other days). Better get packing.
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