Monday, April 07, 2008

Final Posting from 17 Arellano

I turn in my Comcast modem and TV box today. So no more internet connection from this address.

I'll be gone half the day refreshing my packing supplies, getting more street "obstruction" signs and picking up my mammography films for my medical records.

I still don't know how to pack lamp shades. Tuesday night I'll have to go to bed with the chickens or read by the only two ceiling lights (kitchen and bathroom).

There should be wi-fi along the way north. Otherwise, next stop is Vancouver, WA.

1 comment:

Ron Bloomquist said...

By golly, it looks like you are gonna make it. It has been fun to read about your trials and tribulations.

I am probably commenting to a blank wall you having pulled the plug but...

Oh well. Safe travels!