Sunday, March 22, 2009

Daffodil Time

Springtime is here and it's "stormy weather". A gray, wet day can break open to sparkling sunshine without much notice. But don't count on it to stay that way.

I grabbed a sunny walk late yesterday afternoon. I chose a new neighborhood that overlooked the Columbia river. I like this view of the dappled shadows on the water.

The cherries are out in full force. Again, clear skies frequently come on the breeze making it hard to look up into a tree that isn't moving!

The yellow of daffodils is off the charts. Like ducks in rain, they thrive in this cool, wet weather.

My front door camellia is coming on strong. The blooms have more color and vigor.

1 comment:

Quiet Paths said...

Spring! Happy are the daffodils and what marvelous color you have already. Thank you so much for these photos; what a boost - I know it's coming. PS You can already write! -- join our OSI prompt sometime. It would be so much fun to see you there and I know you would have much to offer. (Just an idea.)