Sunday, March 22, 2009

Bird Highway

The weather may be hard to read, but the birds aren't confused. The jays are building nests. The chickadees are chasing each other with renewed fervor.

I spied a Downy Woodpecker who took great interest in my suet cube. It's not much bigger than a sparrow. (web photo)

I believe that's a Lesser Goldfinch on the bottom.

This beautiful Rufus Hummingbird has started coming by every afternoon around 4PM. He's quite punctual.

And perhaps my most unusual visitor was the yellow variant of the House Finch. (web photo) The best photo can be seen here.

1 comment:

Quiet Paths said...

You have a nice variety of bird friends! We have had Crossbills in all their orange glory for a couple weeks. I really like the little hummer.