Wednesday, November 05, 2008

It was a good day!

November 4th, that is! I watched the election results with the Vancouver chapter of Drinking Liberally. It felt so good to whoop and holler for our guy. It's been a long time coming. I was so touched that the entire bar was cheering -- not just our group.

Did you notice it was unseasonably warm and sunny in most of the country? We had bright sunshine all day.

I spent the day raking leaves, and even mowed the lawn. Each tree is different. Some lose them all in a swoosh (like the dogwood and birch). Others, like this maple, are slow and meticulous.

My fava bean yeild is closer to 90% -- they're just taking their time. The daytime temps have moved from the 60's to the 50's. But the "rainy weather" is only at night (so far).

25 days after planting:

1 comment:

Quiet Paths said...

Fired up? Ready to go....
your evening sounded fun. I wish we had a tavern like that!

I like your observations about trees and their leaf-giving. Definitely our horse chestnut wins hands down on sudden leaf drop syndrome! I've been enjoying your Autumn photos these last couple of weeks.