Thursday, November 13, 2008

Couch Surfer Guests

I hosted my first Couch Surfers. They were a couple from Canada, Pierrette and Yvon. We had a thoroughly delightful time together. They were originally from Quebec and now reside in Vancouver, BC. It was a treat to hear French being spoken.

My sister Nancy joined us for homemade pizza pie and salad. You'll note in the picture that each wineglass is different. I moved here with 2 of each kind and have managed to break 1 of each kind. *sigh*

Pizza Dough recipe:
1 1/3 cup warm water
1 tbsp yeast
1 tbsp salt
2 tbsp sugar
1/4 cup olive oil
3 cups flour (you'll be adding at least another 1/2 cup as you kneed the dough)
Let rise twice when time allows.

I searched on the web and played around. I'm still working on it.

1 comment:

Quiet Paths said...

This looks to be just exactly my recipe which I just kinda' throw together. We all prefer it to other purchased pizza. Yum, looks like a nice dinner.