Friday, February 06, 2009

Change and Hope in the Garden

Winter is loosening its grip. We're still having frosty mornings in the mid-20's. There's a new phenomenon -- something they call "freezing fog".

It melts really fast so you have to get out there early.

It's been positively warm (over 50 degrees) in the afternoons. It was time to start cleaning up winter's remains. The entryway hydrangeas were the first to tackle.

I'm still pondering this weeping Japanese Maple. Master apprentices only watch for fifteen years before they're allowed to make any cuts.

With all this new light and warmth I couldn't resist starting a salad garden. This is the "hope" part -- right outside my office window.

I'll be serving up two kinds of lettuce.


Ron Bloomquist said...

Great fog tree!

Lolli is working on her garden too.

It's time!

Quiet Paths said...

I'm happy to see that others are living in hoar frost too. These are lovely though! It's hard for me to think about seeds when our skis are still in the car but I might be coaxed into it. Blessings on your new lettuce garden!

suziam said...

Well, I read the planting instructions and germination is best between 50 - 65 degrees. So I may have to start the seeds indoors. My enthusiasm was a little ahead of the season!

Quiet Paths said...

You actually got me looking at flower seeds on Saturday! Once that kicks in it's hard to stop so i say - go ahead plant indoors. *smile*