It's been one year since I moved to Vancouver. I arrived the afternoon of April 14th, 2008, but wasn't able to sleep in my house until the next day when the furniture arrived.
It's hard to believe there was so much upheaval and chaos. (We quickly forget unpleasant memories!)
Looking back, it seems like a lot was accomplished. Besides moving in, a new heat pump was installed, insulation and lighting amended, trees removed, the house painted, a new front door installed, garage insulated, dry-walled and painted, new garden beds prepared ... and on and on.
I have definitely "landed". I absolutely LOVE my new home and community. I've been surprised how quickly I was able to reestablish community and make new friends from ...
Zen Center,
ushering, birding, hiking, Farmers markets,
Drinking Liberally, a
gym, etc.
I miss my friends in California
more a year later, now that the dust has settled. But this new life in a home, with a yard, a neighborhood, SEASONS and having TIME ... well that's pretty sweet too.
Since this blog is about my "moving", I will be replacing it with a new blog in the near future (when I'm not in the garden all day!). It's been a great year.