We meandered through the spacious, luxurious grounds snapping images that caught our fancy -- like this rhododendron:

... or these magnolia leaves ...
Or just hanging out and soaking up the colors.

Or watching the newts and salamanders in their leisurely pursuits.
We refreshed ourselves at Zeppo's in Lake Oswego -- a thoroughly upscale, posh town. Then viewed Willamette Falls and the pulp mill.
Inspired by Vernon DiPietro (artist displayed in Hood River gallery) I took this shot -- which unwittingly is the SAME shot he took!

Rita and I settled down for a low-key evening of Netflix (The Wristcutters proved to be more charming than its name would suggest) and were interrupted by an "emergency bulletin" on the radio about an approaching storm. We caught these pictures of this colorful sunset before the thunderstorm hit.

There's actually a rainbow in the upper left of this view.

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