My home is my gallery and I am the curator. I need to create as much beauty around me as I can -- even when the "cupboards" are bare.

It turns out I had four bookcases and three nooks for oversize "coffee table" books. According to the principles of Feng Shui it's better chi to have S P A C E in one's home -- in which case, my home chi just got a terrific boost!
That said, I want to get Naomi Klein's The Shock Doctrine. It's not a book one can read during a short library loan. I've been a fan of hers for the past five years. But I digress.
I have "put it in a box" fever. I feel anxious if I'm not packing and view every object as something to be packed -- "What size box should I use? What would go with it? Goodwill pile!"
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